Boosting Your Polyphenols

With so many Cherries and Plums about at the moment it’s a great time to boost your intake of essential polyphenols. “If you want optimal antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer protection from your diet, make sure you have an ample supply of plant foods rich in polyphenols. Whole grains (with special mention going to rye), dark fruits…

How Vitamin E Keeps Muscles Healthy

Source: Body builders have it right: vitamin E does help build strong muscles, and scientists appear to have figured out one important way it does it. Vitamin E has long known as a powerful antioxidant, and now scientists have shown that without it, the plasma membrane, which essentially keeps a cell from spilling its contents…

Only You Know How You Really Feel: Qi, Nerves, Chronic Illness, Trauma.

Your nerves are the ‘sensors’ to your internal environment as well as your external environment. Internally, these nerves help you to keep in touch with yourself and how you feel. The feedback from these nerves can manifest physically, emotionally and psychologically; for example as pleasure, pain, anxiety, mobility and immobility. Externally, these nerves are the foundation…